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Collagen Is Key, Restore It with Sculptra.
Sculptra is a bio stimulator that works very subtly on your skin and gradually, over time to provide you with a more youthful-looking appearance. It is best to plan on a series of treatments over a few months for the best results.
The main difference between Sculptra and other dermal fillers is that Sculptra helps to stimulate patients' own Type I collagen to reduce the signs of aging. As Sculptra is absorbed into your skin, it will help to rebuild collagen and, therefore, restore facial volume.
You can start your treatment with Sculptra at a younger age to start replenishing lost collagen. Studies have shown that by the age of 45, your face has lost up to 25% of collagen and will continue to do so, approximately 10% every 10 years after that.years.

Sculptra Boston

One can experience the benefits of Sculptra in a procedure that will stimulate natural collagen growth while helping to restore your facial volume and fullness over time.
We recommend Sculptra to those patients who are looking for long-term benefits of facial rejuvenation regardless of their age.
Some of the areas where Sculptra is commonly used are:
● Cheeks.● Temples.● Marionette Lines.● Chin.● Jawline.● Chest Wrinkles and Folds.
Sculptra is a long-lasting treatment with results that can last up to 2 years.

Collagen Is Key. Restore It with Sculptra.

Sculptra Boston, Sculptra Needham, Sculptra Treatment in Needham, Sculptra Services in Needham, Needham Sculptra Services

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